Discovering handidance in partnership with the “Roule ta vie” association

On 27 June, the French Teleflex Urology Care team, in partnership with the “Roule ta vie” association, organised an afternoon event to discover handidance for patients from the UMT Albi rehabilitation centre.

Discovering handidance in partnership with the “Roule ta vie” association

Once again this year, Teleflex was keen to help Roule ta vie [“Get Your Life Rolling”] – an association whose purpose is to promote the interaction and social reintegration of people with spinal cord injuries – to organise a new activity based around handidance. The event was supervised by a state-qualified dance teacher who works daily with passion and conviction to make dance accessible to all and to promote the social and artistic integration of persons with handicaps.

Handidance is an activity that combines fun, physical rehabilitation and social inclusion. This activity allows everyone, whatever their disabilities, to feel free to express themselves through their body and movement, but also to gain independence and learn to transcend their disability.

This activity has been an incredible vehicle for sharing between the participants who, together, have pushed back the limits of their disabilities and rediscovered the joy of physical autonomy. It has also been a way of creating and encouraging the exchanges between able-bodied and non-able-bodied persons, who have discovered the joy of dancing together, meeting and communicating in a different way and who have also benefited from each other’s artistic potential.

The day, full of life lessons, was all the more emotionally powerful because a great dynamism and group cohesion naturally developed between the participants. The handidance was a great opportunity for people with reduced mobility to transcend their disability and forget about how others perceive them, but also for the carers and Teleflex team to see this handicap gradually disappear, to see even one person who has fun in expressing him- or herself through dance.

The French Teleflex Urology Care team was extremely moved to experience these special moments, where letting go of inhibitions and give free play to emotion and letting go were undoubtedly on the agenda, and they would therefore like to congratulate and thank each of the participants for this wonderful experience.

Image source: UMT Albi